On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was killed. Before we knew of his death, but earlier that same day, Lewis Brogdon spoke to me about the need for Christians to listen to minorities and to their insights into the Scripture. He notes that the Gospel of Luke, in particular, points…
Why Aren’t We Uncomfortable with Jesus?
If we think about why Jesus was killed, we might be uncomfortable with him. We might be uncomfortable with his teachings. And, if we teach what he taught and lived (which got him killed), our class members might be uncomfortable with us. Do we dare? Let’s acknowledge that there are…
Announcement – 3 great resources!
Do YOU domesticate the Bible?
Walter Brueggeman is one of my favorite scholar-authors. His love of the Bible comes through in everything he writes. He is also prophetic. Brueggemann doesn’t let anyone get away with taking the Bible lightly (as just another work of ancient literature, for example) or too seriously (as an object of…
Objective knowledge of the Bible is not enough for spiritual transformation
I am re-reading the book, The Gift of Being Yourself, by David Brenner. Brenner challenges us to experience self-discovery as a spiritual exercise. This means an appreciation of our gifts, strengths, and personality – but also a recognition of our “false self,” which is the person we most often do…
The most important word in the Hebrew Bible is…
Hesed may be a Hebrew word unknown to most Bible teachers, yet it is the key to understanding the heart of God in both the Old and New Testaments. Michael Card has written a book that can enlighten us to the riches in this one word. “It is tempting to…
The Slave Bible – not your typical boutique Bible
The Slave Bible is not your typical boutique Bible. We all have our own canons – those verses of the Bible that we know and live by. Most who were raised in a church can probably quote John 3:16 or complete the quote from I John, “God is _____.” We…
What’s In A Name?
You might be interested in knowing why I named this ministry “Great Bible Teachers.” Here is how that happened. Chad Hall is a good friend and a masterful coach. As I was struggling with this nudge of doing “something” to strengthen the teaching ministry of the Church, Chad invited…